"We have more 1-day infant deaths than every other industrialized nation in the world." Del Bigtree - How does the liability-free vaccine industry get away with murdering our children? Easy. They fake their “science” and then censor or character assassinates anyone that exposes them.

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Why Does Pure Body Extra Strength Work So Well To Detoxify Children and Adults? 

Well, I decided to have a chat with Eddie Stone, the CEO of Touchstone Essentials, to answer this question and find out why their nano-sized zeolite suspended in water molecules is able to travel through the entire body to collect poisons, heavy metals and other toxins and then remove them so efficiently. Which of course, will then produce healing because the body no longer has that toxic burden! 

Watch My Interview With CEO Eddie Stone

"This product is amazing! My family have been using it for 6 or so months- everyone is feeling much different! Thanks for telling me about it Larry."



5. Vaccine “Science,” Cover-Up and Manipulation


A common strategy of the pro-vaccine cartel is to say that the “science is settled” and that all of the “science” is on the side of vaccination and that there is no “science” to support the anti-vaccine argument. However, in the real world, science is never “settled” and is always evolving. When the vaccine industry pays for its “science” to demonstrate “safety” or “efficacy” then what’s important to understand is that virtually any “scientific study” can be manipulated to desired results.

A perfect example of this is demonstrated in the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe where the CDC manipulated and destroyed its own findings that African American babies given the MMR vaccine prior to the age of 3 had a seven fold risk of developing autism. Not only did the CDC play trickery with its own data to make that “go away,” the CDC also ordered all documentation destroyed. Except one employee, William Thompson, kept the data and leaked it, which is what the documentary is about.

We must also keep in mind that OBSERVATION (e.g. when a parent notices an injury after vaccination) is critical to the “scientific method,” which is ignored by the pro-vaccine apologists...

CONTINUE TO LESSON 5 of my Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass

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Simply COPY AND PASTE into your social media >>> 



How does the liability-free vaccine industry get away with murdering our children? Easy. They fake their “science” and then censor or character assassinate anyone that exposes them. Learn more in Larry Cook’s Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass Lesson 5: https://www.vaccinefreeparenting.com/the-vaccine-free-parenting-masterclass/5-vaccine-science-cover-up-and-manipulation/



TOGETHER, we can make a difference!


~ Larry Cook


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