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 News of the Week

Slamming Cuomo’s Nursing-Home Moves—While Aiding Vaccine Resistance
Several Republican critics of the governor (and one of his Democratic allies) are pushing legislation that could undermine efforts to achieve broad immunity to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

There is a Wide, Wide Field in the Race for Comptroller
Yes, there are four elected officials in the race to be the city’s No. 3 official. But Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Zach Iscol, Terri Liftin and Reshma Patel are likely to be on the ballot, too.

City Council Speaker Defends His Comprehensive Planning Bill in First Public Hearing
Corey Johnson says his ‘Planning Together’ proposal will help create a more just and inclusive city planning process. But others raised worries about the costs of the plan, and about how it would engage communities.

Ranked-Choice Voting Kicks in After Queens Special Election
The race between two frontrunners will come down to how 27 percent of voters ranked the candidates.

For Alzheimer’s Patients, Racial Disparities Threaten Detection and Treatment
An estimated 400,000 people in New York state have Alzheimer’s, and by 2025 the number is expected to reach 465,000. It is now the ninth most common cause of death in the five boroughs.

Policy Shop: Ending Cop Immunity, Hitting Hate Crimes and Growing Urban Farms
Mayoral candidates Adams, Donovan and McGuire issued detailed reports on farming, health and policing, respectively.

Farmworkers Left Out of NY’s Vaccination Plans, Despite Federal Priority


The Check In:
Lawsuits & The City

In this week’s episode of The Check In, editor Jarrett Murphy talks about his recent reporting on how some parks groups and Business Improvement Districts worry the city is trying to offload legal liability onto small organizations like theirs — groups say that are built to rally volunteers and sweep plazas, not battle lawsuits.


Max & Murphy on the Issues: 


COVID-19 has created new challenges for the city's teachers, principals, parents and students. But the next mayor will also have to address deeper problems around school performance, diversity and safety. Ben Max of Gotham Gazette and City Limits' Jarrett Murphy break down the issue.

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

  ‘Conforme avanzamos en la reversión del daño provocado por el gobierno de Trump, y nos aseguramos de que el presidente Biden cumpla con su compromiso a la justicia migratoria, Nueva York necesita responder por su papel en criminalizar y despojar de sus derechos a los inmigrantes en nuestra ciudad.’

Fiscales de 16 estados apoyan la moratoria de deportaciones propuesta por presidente Biden
El pasado 12 de febrero la fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, presentó un informe en apoyo a la moratoria de deportaciones de la administración Biden.
  El pasado 9 de febrero el presidente Biden anunció el programa de vacunación para los centros de salud comunitarios (FQHC por sus siglas en inglés) el cual incluye a trabajadores del campo pero el gobernador aún no los incluye en la fase de vacunación.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: For True Transparency, NYPD Must Disclose When Officers Violate ‘Minor’ Rules
‘The public needs to be informed of all disciplinary actions, not just major infractions … The “minor rule violations” provision defeats the purpose of repealing Section 50-a.’

Opinion: With Immigration Reform on the Table, It’s Time to Let NYC Immigrants Vote
‘As we work to undo the damage caused by the Trump administration, and ensure that President Biden upholds his commitments to immigrant justice, New York City needs to account for its own role in criminalizing and disempowering immigrants in our city.‘

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