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Hey John- 

I wanted to reach out because in just 50 days, Virginia Young Democrats will be convening for our annual statewide convention. And last month, I announced that I was running for Virginia Political Director. 

I have been asking my fellow Young Democrats what issues matter most to them and responses have been amazing: 

  • Continued pressure on repealing the so-called Right to Work Laws. 

  • Protecting minority activists and voices

  • Achieving equity across race and class in Virginia.

  • Working with Autistic Virginians and giving them reasons to vote. 

  • Disability rights

  • Environmental Justice

  • High Quality Transportation 

  • Criminal Justice Reform 

  • Housing Affordability  

  • Maintaining and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure 

  • Student Loan Forgiveness 

  • Maintaining relevance outside of the session. 

  • Coordinating testimony on bills rather than just showing up to lobby day. 

  • Pushing the Democratic Party of Virginia to do better.

I pledge to you to do right by these issues that have been raised and promise to give them the platform they deserve within VAYD and beyond. Even if I don’t win your vote at convention, that still won’t stop me from doing right by what you want to see out of the Political Director position. 

I want to hear from you too! If you haven’t already, please fill out this form and let me know if I can count on your vote at the VAYD Election or what issues matter most to you.

Our leadership is only strong if we listen to the people that we are working for. I look forward to your responses! 

I hope to earn your vote during the VAYD Convention on April 17. Please reach out if you need anything. 

Democratically yours,

Matt Royer
Candidate for VAYD Political Director 
Paid for by Matthew Royer. Not Authorized by any other Candidate or Committee.

Our Mailing Address is: 
2000 S Eads St
Arlington, VA 22202

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