Dear Patriot, I am writing to ask for your urgent action on the $2 Trillion bailout, which is set to be voted on as early as tomorrow. In the last 24 hours, we’ve learned that this reckless spending bill is worse than we thought. A provision has been slipped into this bill that includes $570,000,000 to pay federal workers to not work! These government employees would be bailed out and allowed to stay home with children who are not in school because of all the unscientific school lockdowns. They really could not be any more obvious with their cronyism. Call your U.S. Representative now at 202-225-3121 and tell them to stop the waste! Tell them to vote “NO” on this new pork-filled spending bill. Dr. Paul is also asking that you sign the petition to your U.S. Representative and Senators to stop the Biden Boondoggle. Speaker Pelosi wants nothing more than to ram through another gigantic spending bill to keep their corona-bailout scheme going at least one more round. Please act at once to help Campaign for Liberty push back with everything we’ve got. Please read the forwarded message from Heather below and then contact your U.S. Representative and let them know you will not stand for it. Switchboard - 202-225-3121. In Liberty, John McCardell ---------------Forwarded Message--------------- Subject: Action Alert: Stop the Crony Capitalism ![]() Dear Patriot, Patriot, this 591-page bill is filled with special interest bailouts and more crony capitalism waste that have nothing to do with Covid and re-opening our country: • $300 million of taxpayer dollars for the Agriculture Department to "conduct monitoring and surveillance of
susceptible animals for incidence of SARS–CoV–2" as guided by the World Organization for Animal Health
• $135 million to the National Endowment for the Arts, $135 million to the National Endowment of the Humanities, and $200 million to the Institute of Museum and Library Services • $10 million for the "preservation and maintenance of Native American languages" • $50 million for family planning • $500 million "to support public health data surveillance and analytics infrastructure modernization initiatives at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," aka contact tracing • Another $15 billion to the private airline industry • Over $1 billion toward "socially disadvantaged" farmers and related groups — including an equity commission, agricultural training and other assistance to advance racial justice in farming • $750 million for native American housing • $129 Billion for public schools – money they get whether they re-open or not • And more, more, more! The bill also calls for a $15 minimum wage within the next four years. What do Americans get: • Maybe a check for $1,400 • And at least $6,000 per person added to our nearly $28 Trillion national debt Call your U.S. Representative now at 202-225-3121 and tell them to stop the waste! Tell them to vote “NO” on this new pork-filled spending bill. If there’s anything that would truly “stimulate” the economy, it’s to open it up without any more unscientific and tyrannical restrictions. Congress needs to stop being derelict with our money and stop the corruption and waste. Call your U.S. Representative now at 202-225-3121 and demand they vote “NO” on this new pork-filled spending bill. For liberty, Heather D. ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots