
We just saw a breaking news report saying that Donald Trump plans to ruthlessly attack President Joe Biden in his upcoming speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend. Some pundits are saying this is Trump setting the stage to launch a 2024 presidential run.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the biggest fundraiser in the Republican Party right now and the face of QAnon, posted on Twitter yesterday “The Republican Party is the Party of Trump.”

That’s right, John. It’s disturbing but it’s true. The Republican Party is controlled by Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene right now.

That’s one of many reasons why Serve America is so important. While the Republicans focus on the latest conspiracy theories, and fear-mongering over “socialism” and “gun control,” we’re working to elect the next generation of leaders who will push America forward.

We may have beaten Donald Trump in November and flipped the Senate in January, but our work isn’t over. If you’re able, please rush a contribution to our February end-of-month push and help us reach our $10,000 goal.


In a perfect world, Trump’s violent insurrection would’ve been a wake-up call for Republicans across the country.

But we all know that’s not what happened. Trumpism is on the march and we simply can’t afford to take our foot off the gas pedal.

Thanks for all you’re doing,

Serve America