Garment workers in Thailand receive full compensation after wages expose

Promised a job that would support her impoverished family, 17-year-old Veasna Sreypov was instead cheated and sold into servitude

Thomson Reuters Foundation news stories

Bangladesh inoculates older sex workers at biggest brothel

“If I don’t reach them, they may not come” – sex workers get COVID-19 jab as Bangladesh protects vulnerable

'I had nothing left': Loan sharks target Indian sex workers hit by pandemic

Loan sharks offer money without collateral at ‘outrageous’ interests trapping many sex workers in cycle of debt

Workers' rights under threat as online work surges five-fold - U.N.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up the shift to a digital economy but in many cases the work is poorly paid

Children seen at risk of recruitment in Central African Republic fighting

Violence erupted over a December election result, driving more than 210,000 people from their homes

* Feel free to republish the stories above as long as credit is given to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Reuters news stories

N.Korea enslaving political prisoners to fund weapons programme -S.Korea rights group

Campaigners accuse Pyongyang of forcing men, women and children held in camps to produce quotas of coal and other goods for export

Canada's parliament passes motion saying China's treatment of Uighurs is genocide

Conservative lawmaker Michael Chong said: 'We can no longer ignore this. We must call it for what it is — a genocide'

China rejects genocide charge in Xinjiang, says door open to U.N.

China denies abuses and says its camps provide vocational training and are needed to fight extremism

Britain denounces abuses "on industrial scale" in China's Xinjiang

At the U.N. Human Rights Council, Britain denounced reports of abuse in Xinjiang, including torture, forced labour and sterilisation of women

Sweden to probe international adoptions amid worries over illegal practices

Sweden are worried that some children may have been stolen from their parents or bought by criminal networks who then gave them up for adoption

U.S. House revives bill to ban goods from China's Xinjiang

The bill authorizes the U.S. president to sanction anyone responsible for labor trafficking of Uighurs in Xinjiang, a leading producer of cotton


OPINION: UK’s Modern Slavery Act will not prevent forced labour in China

Stronger legislation is needed to tackle modern slavery in global supply chains of British businesses

OPINION: Lloyd’s of London and Slavery: archiving the past to repair the present?

As Lloyd's embarks on a process of historical repair, the British insurer must include communities directly affected by the legacies of slavery

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