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Prevent the Palestinian Authority from Receiving US Economic Aid While Simultaneously Prosecuting Israel at the ICC
Dear Friend of EMET,
The Palestinian Authority has prevailed upon the International Criminal Court in the Hague to investigate Israel for alleged “war crimes” that were supposedly committed in the war in Gaza in 2014. We know, from the makeup of the Court, that this will amount to nothing more than a Kangaroo Court. The motivation here has little if nothing to do with international law, but is entirely political, in nature. The Biden administration has expressed its desire to immediately begin refunding the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority has never been recognized as a separate nation based on an agreement that came about as a result of direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The ICC is proceeding in this investigation of Israel based entirely on the fact that the United Nations has given them “observer status.”
It has been brought to our attention that the 2021 Appropriations Bill has the following language in it, in Part K, section II, (page 1450):
“None of the funds appropriated under the heading ‘Economic Support Fund’ in this Act may be made available for assistance for the Palestinian Authority, if after the date of enactment of this Act-
(I) The Palestinians obtain the same standing as member states or full membership as a state in the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and Palestine and
(II) The Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigations, or actively support an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.
It is entirely clear from the reading of this law that the Palestinians cannot receive economic assistance from the United States if they 1.) use the pretense of nationhood because of their “observer status” within the U.N., and not via direct negotiations with the state of Israel, or 2.) because they have certainly actively supported, if not initiated, the investigation of the state of Israel at the ICC.
According to the law, therefore, the United States is not permitted to give the Palestinian Authority any economic assistance if they proceed with their investigation of Israel in the ICC.
Despite the fact that the ICC is more political in nature than legal, its decisions can create real life ramifications for Israelis, as well as Americans, particularly during travel outside of their nations, when they may be subjected to arbitrary arrest for hyped up “crimes against humanity.”
Please write or call your member of Congress about this very urgent issue, immediately.
You can find your Representative’s contact information here ([link removed]) . If you would like to write an email, please contact Benjamin Weil at
[email protected] and we will provide you the email address of the appropriate staff member in your representative’s office. Please remember to attach a copy of the letter to your email.
Sarah Stern
Founder and President of EMET
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