Vice President Harris urges Black Americans: 'Let's not let COVID get us'

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris urges Black Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as data shows Blacks and Hispanics lagging behind in inoculations

Canadian river wins legal rights in global push to protect nature

Environmental groups say protecting nature rights could be critical in safeguarding global biodiversity

Malaysian man wins landmark challenge against Muslim gay sex ban

The Muslim man launched the test case after he was arrested for attempting gay sex, which he denies

Syrian migrant sets sights on seat in German parliament

Tareq Alaows, who fled to Europe in a rubber boat, plans to run for Germany's Greens party in elections this September

India plans new social media controls after Twitter face-off

India wants social media companies to delete contentious content fast and help with investigations

Tokyo 2020 chief says gender equality efforts as important as virus containment

Seiko Hashimoto says the organising committee had set up a gender equality promotion team and reiterated a goal to boost the proportion of women on its board to 40%

Mexico's top court to vote on gay marriage in Yucatan state

If the Supreme Court orders Yucatan state to legalize same-same marriage, other states across Mexico could follow

Bangladesh inoculates older sex workers at biggest brothel

“If I don’t reach them, they may not come” – sex workers get COVID-19 jab as Bangladesh protects vulnerable

Pakistan faces an unexpected dilemma: too much electricity

After decades of painful shortages, a push to generate more power - particularly from coal-fired plants - has left Pakistan with excess capacity, and higher costs

In Kenya, electric fences protect forests from human destruction

The fences aim to cut rampant illegal logging and charcoal burning at a time when the country is trying to boost forest cover

A record 5.6% of Americans identify as LGBT+, Gallup poll finds

The Gallup poll found young adults were much more likely to identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


UK’s Modern Slavery Act will not prevent forced labour in China

Stronger legislation is needed to tackle modern slavery in global supply chains of British businesses

OPINION: Lloyd’s of London and Slavery: archiving the past to repair the present?

As Lloyd's embarks on a process of historical repair, the British insurer must include communities directly affected by the legacies of slavery

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