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Palestinian Authority paid terrorists over $150 million in 2020
And the Left has the audacity to blame Israel for the Palestinian Authority's inability to vaccinate their people. With the Biden Administration pledging to restore American aid to the Palestinian Authority, we can absolutely expect this number to ...

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ on Jan. 6
The only “insurrection” January 6th was the Democrat overthrow of 'We the people'.

Rep. Jordan Blasts Dems’ Bill: ‘They Want to Be Able to Lie About Us – But, We Can’t Tell the Truth About Them’

Why we need an inquiry into ...

Editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy Colluded in the Hate Group SPLC’s Dangerous Blacklist
For those who wonder how this corrupt, defamatory hate machine continues to be cited as legit, it's through the sanction and advancement of 'respected' instirutions and democrat government orgs. It's a movement functioning much the way the Nazis, ...

Law Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats’ Narrative
Not only was the break in ore-planned, I believe the left was behind the violence in order to silence all election integrity inquiries.

Law Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats’ Narrative ...

Democrat Ministry of Propaganda: DHS Blames “Right Wing Terrorists” for 2020’s Antifa/BLM Leftwing Terror
For those of you who never understood how Nazism, Communism, fascism took hold – look around. This is how they do it.

DHS: ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Committed Most Deadly Terrorist Attacks Last Year

By Robert Spencer Feb 20, 2021: ...

Cuomo ex-aide accuses scandal-plagued NY governor of sexual abuse/harassment in bombshell essay Inbox
Mass murderer and sex abuser — and a beloved Democrat figure. Like Ted Kennedy.

#Meetoo? Not so much, eh?

Cuomo ex-aide accuses scandal-plagued NY governor of pervasive sexual harassment in bombshell essay

Cuomo ex-aide accuses ...

NBC Goes Full On Nazi in Vile Anti-Jew Episode of ‘Nurses’
The left's relentless campaign against the Jews is reaching critical mass, mainstreaming, dehumanizing the Jewish people.

Also: Saturday Night Live Finds Antisemitic Blood Libels Funny

Here is a petition. You may also reach out to NBC at ...

TREASON: Biden officials, John Kerry COLLUDED with Iran behind Trump’s back to undermine his presidency
Conspiring with America's enemies is a blatant act of treason – a violation of the Logan act. is there any America left in America?

Report: Biden officials — including John Kerry — 'colluded' with Iran behind Trump’s back during his ...

Hiding behind So. Korea, Biden regime to release billions to world’s largest state sponsor of terror Iran
The Biden Administration will continue to appease the Islamic Republican of Iran in the weeks and months ahead. They want to re-enter the JCPOA so badly, that they will eliminate all of the leverage that we had against stopping Iran from going ...

ANOTHER JEW HATER: Antisemitic Promoter of ‘Israeli Apartheid’ Attacks, Betty McCollum is New Chair of Defense Appropriations
Most of America's Jewish organizations proudly condemned Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene over a big nothing burger. So what can we expect them to do to about the appointment of Rep. Betty McCollum, as the chair of the House Defense Appropriations ...

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