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Thursday, February 25th, 2021

Politicians Shouldn’t Be Managing Pandemics. They Will Bend Science To Fit Their Political Objectives

Bill Sardi

Merrick Garland Is in the Dark About Antifa

Steve Sailer

Who Owns Your Face?

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Vaccine (Dis)Information War

CJ Hopkins

Health Officials Push Pregnant Women To Get Covid Shots, Despite Known Risks

Children’s Health Defense

Historic Portuguese Appeals Court Ruling on PCR Test

Jon Rappoport

When Is Short Selling Fraudulent?

Robert P. Murphy

Aquinas and Human Action

Bionic Mosquito

Twitter’s Discrediting of Leaked Docs That Show UK’s Covert Activities Against Russia Is a Shocking Case of Media Manipulation

Tom Fowdy

Why I Don’t Criticize Russia, China, or Other Unabsorbed Governments

Caitlin Johnstone

US: Ex-Policeman Implicates NYPD, FBI in Malcolm X Murder

Letter written by former undercover NYPD policeman says his department and the FBI covered up details of the killing.

‘Papers, Please’: Vaccine Passports Have Officially Arrived

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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