
I would not be who I am and where I am today if not for college sports.

That’s not an exaggeration. Football was my key to college. As a high school All-American football player, I earned a scholarship to attend and play tight end at Stanford, which opened countless doors and taught me so much about character, honor, leadership, discipline, and grit. Pouring myself into this sport truly shaped me.

But I saw then, and continue to see now, how college athletes have been exploited for decades. It’s why I’m on a mission to bring justice and fairness to the world of college sports.

College sports is a $14 billion industry, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) takes advantage of college athletes, doesn’t adequately look after their health and safety, subverts their earning potential during their peak athletic years, under-delivers on their promise of a college education, and too often leaves them injured with a lifetime of out-of-pocket medical bills and no support to pay them.

Young athletes — many of whom come from families who are unable to support all the costs of college that aren’t covered by scholarships — put their bodies on the line and at risk each time they play, yet are banned from reaping any of the profits. Only 54% of Black male athletes, who generate the most college sports revenue, end up graduating. Even worse is knowing how many of these athletes suffer serious, life-altering injuries and even death.

It’s clear: we must do better for our college athletes. 

That’s why I created the College Athletes Bill of Rights. This legislation would not only allow college athletes to monetize their name, image, and likeness and earn revenue, but it would establish enforceable, evidence-based health and safety guidelines to better protect them from injury, as well as start prioritizing educational outcomes.

We have a real shot at passing this bill in 2021 with enough public support. Will you join me and add your name to become a citizen cosponsor of the College Athletes Bill of Rights today?


It’s time for all of us — former players and fans alike — to fight for the justice, fairness, and opportunity that college athletes deserve.

Thanks for speaking out on this important issue with me,
