Fellow Conservative,
The Democrats are coming for Senator Tim Scott and South Carolina with all they’ve got.
Will you help Tim defend his Senate seat and keep South Carolina a RED state?
Tim Scott is Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and the DNC’s top target for 2022. They are planning to FLIP South Carolina blue and have already found a candidate to run against him.
Money from the New York and Hollywood liberal elite is starting to pour into South Carolina as they get ready to hold the Senate Majority.
We need to stop the Democrats before they can raise enough money to attack Republicans in South Carolina, flip the state blue, and cement a permanent majority for themselves in the Senate.
The liberal elite and mainstream media are eyeing Tim Scott’s race, and are ready to help the Democrats win. So we really need your help to stand up to them, Fellow Conservative.
Will you help Republicans defend South Carolina and defeat the Democrats?
Team Scott