From John Hickenlooper <[email protected]>
Subject Breaking news out of Georgia
Date February 24, 2021 10:15 PM
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No time to rest! We have breaking news out of Georgia:

There’s a good chance Republican Kelly Loeffler is preparing for a rematch against my friend and newly elected Senator, Reverend Raphael Warnock once again in Georgia next year.

All Republicans have to do is flip one Senate seat to retake the majority. Please, rush a split donation of anything you can afford to help Rev. Warnock keep Georgia blue and protect our 50-50 Senate majority.

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As one of the few Senators running in back-to-back elections, we knew Rev. Warnock would have a tough battle ahead of him. But if Loeffler is in the race, you can bet she will spend millions of her own fortune once again to try and buy this seat — making this race one of the most expensive and competitive elections across the country.

After losing both Senate seats in Georgia, Republicans will throw the kitchen sink at Rev. Warnock to try to reclaim the Senate majority and halt Democrats’ progress in Washington.

If they are successful, they will no doubt block every inch of gains from the Biden-Harris Administration — from affordable health care to environmental regulations to voting rights protections.

That’s why it’s critical we help Rev. Warnock protect his seat, and with it, the entire Democratic majority.

Grassroots supporters undoubtedly helped Rev. Warnock flip this Georgia Senate seat in January, and he won’t be able to hold it without our support, so I’m asking: Will you split a donation between Rev. Warnock’s campaign and our work to protect the Senate?

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This team overcame Mitch McConnell’s millions to flip a competitive Senate seat in Colorado. That means we know how to win. Let’s give it everything we’ve got to help Rev. Warnock hold his seat in 2022.

— John
Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado
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