From Sarah Farbstein, Washington Conservation Voters <[email protected]>
Subject Attend a Virtual Town Hall: Be a voice for the environment!
Date February 24, 2021 7:30 PM
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Your legislator needs to hear directly from you

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The Washington State legislative session is underway and our state elected officials are making decisions on legislation that will directly affect our communities. That's why it's important for legislators to hold town hall meetings to hear from the people they represent — that means you!

This year, town halls are entirely virtual – making them more accessible to attend than ever before. While some town halls are already scheduled, other legislators need pressure to get one scheduled. Search for town halls in your district and take action! [[link removed]]

Attending town halls is a great way to make your voice heard. It’s important for legislators to know their constituents are pushing for environmental progress and will keep the pressure on. It’s also a chance to get legislators on the record supporting our issues, so we can hold them accountable.

This is our chance to hear from our legislators on the key issues being addressed and debated in session, and ensure our legislators are representing their community and the environment. Tell your legislators to schedule a town hall today! [[link removed]]


Sarah Farbstein

Field Organizer

Washington Conservation Voters

1402 Third Avenue, Suite 1400 | Seattle, WA 98101

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