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This is why we are working night and day until we drop, traveling around the state, sacrificing everything, and building an army. What role are you playing? We need more help. Here are some ideas...
1. Help launch a True Texas Project in your area. Email [email protected] for more info.
2. Volunteer to serve at the TTP already in your area...so many easy positions that just need someone to step up...things like food coordinator and helper, childcare coordinator and helpers, greeters, registrars, VIP handlers, venue coordinator, pass the hat people, pledge leader, AV coordinator, social media helper, set up and tear down crew, and merchandiser. Reach out to the satellite coordinators to sign up:
Tarrant: all set
Grayson: forming now, Mar 8 launch
Ellis: forming now, Apr launch
RGV sector: forming now, May launch
Travis: forming now, Jun launch
Harris: forming now, Jul launch
More every month in 2021!
4. Serve as a citizen advocate. You can do this from anywhere in the state. These are the people who jump into action when there is a legislative issue to address. They make a call, send an email, post on social media, and/or head to Austin as able. Contact [email protected].
5. Sign up to be a liaison. We assign one liaison to every elected person at every level to build a relationship and keep.communication open. Email [email protected].
6. Donate! For crying out loud...we do so much with so little. Can you please step up and donate $15/month to help us open new locations and do all we do? Small monthly donations are how we can predict our budget. https://truetexasproject.com/donate/
7. Recruit new people for this army we are building. The days of folks saying "Politics is not my thing" are over. People are now forced to take sides, and many don't know where to turn. They aren't interested in parties because both sides have let them down. True Texas Project is non-partisan. We hold both sides accountable. We are NOT a rubber stamp for the GOP. Invite a friend to join us online and in person. Here's an informational video to share:
And here's a promo video:
8. Come to our meetings! First of all, we bring in great speakers and you will be educated. We believe educated folks make better decisions, and all of our speakers have action items for us so that it never just becomes a gripe session. But just as important, the meetings provide fellowship with likeminded people, and we all need that for encouragement and refreshment! If you cannot attend in person, we livestream the 2nd Monday of every month. Here's our calendar:
To get emails and/or text messages about our meetings, you can sign up here:
9. Think about other ways you can help! Your talent may be just what we need! One guy is helping us build a satellite page for our website, one guy donated 20 lemon cakes for a meeting, one gal offered to help organize phone volunteers, one gal started our dining club, one guy even built us a stage once!
10. This one is the most fun... Come to our big party on April 17! Dinner, dancing, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas as speaker, and fireworks! Tickets start at $115, all for a great cause! There are less than 100 seats left, and it WILL sell out. https://truetexasproject.com/.../april-17th-san-jacinto.../
Feel free to reach out to me or Fran with questions. We are both 100% volunteer, and we never ask anyone to do more or sacrifice more than we do ourselves!
I'm so excited to be working with you, and I count it a great privilege to be called to this work. The more you get plugged in, the greater the blessings!
Julie McCarty
volunteer CEO
True Texas Project is blowing and going! People are coming to us in droves ready to take action against a bloated government, and we are working as hard as we can to help meet needs, get people trained, and open new locations. We've even got people from out of state seeking our help! We MUST maximize this opportunity. We figure we have about a 3-month window to catch folks while they are paying attention, and once we get them, we believe we can hold onto them for life.
All that being said, True Texas Project is funded 100% by donations from individuals. The BEST way to help us is to donate a set amount every month so we can set a budget, but we love one-time donations too! You can donate to our general fund (a c4 organization), our PAC (which primarily funds our voter guides during the Primary Election), or to our tax-deductible c3 organization which focuses solely on non-partisan education. Click here for more information and to donate. We cannot do anything without you, and every bit helps! Our average donation is $15/month... That's not a lot, but a little bit from everybody sure adds up!
And don't forget! Our big fundraiser Texas Tough, Texas Proud is April 17! Check out this 25-second promo clip, and buy your tickets today!
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