We’ll keep this quick, since you can probably guess what we’re reaching out about.

Our third end-of-quarter filing deadline of the year is coming up tomorrow, and we need to finish strong. This deadline is so important because it will signal to any potential opponents how serious we are about sticking to the issues that launched our campaign in the first place.

Affordable healthcare. Smart, renewable environmental protections. Fully-funded public schools. Women’s healthcare. Comprehensive background checks. Workers’ rights. Defending our democracy.

But team -- we’ll need your help if we want to show any challengers we aren’t backing down from the fight for working families right here in the Third District.

So, will you chip in $3 -- or any amount -- right now to show Lori you’ve got her back before tomorrow’s critical end-of-quarter fundraising deadline?

Thanks for standing with us today and always,

Team Trahan