We need to do this. The average price of monthly minimum rents alone has gone up by a whopping 49% since the minimum wage was last increased by Congress.

Those who have borne the brunt of the COVID shock and worked in essential jobs to keep our economy going are the same workers who will benefit most from raising the wage.

If anyone deserves a raise, they do.

Under President Biden’s proposal we can raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, transitioned over five years, but it’s going to take an outpouring of grassroots support to make it happen. That’s where you come in:

Will you add your name to my petition today calling for a $15 federal minimum wage? We need to show the overwhelming popularity behind this proposal to give American workers a raise >>

The federal minimum wage has not increased since 2009 -- that’s the longest Americans have ever gone without an increase to the minimum wage.

But, nothing worth fighting for is easy. We need to push for progress every day.

Right now, it looks like we are just short of the votes we need in the Senate to make the $15 minimum wage a reality. That’s why we need to demonstrate as much public support as possible to get it done.

Add your name next to mine to call for a $15 federal minimum wage >>

As a nation we cannot move forward if we don’t move forward together. Raising the wage will benefit 27 million Americans. Let’s get this done!

Thank you for raising your voice,
