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This week on social media, the Child Mind Institute covered teens and dating during the pandemic, family-based treatment for eating disorders and more. Follow us for more essential information and guidance about children's mental health and learning disorders.
Here are some highlights from the past week:


Whether they’re navigating a romantic relationship or feeling lonely without one, the pandemic has made dating even harder for teens. Here’s how parents can help.


We looked at family-based treatment for eating disorders and the parents’ role in helping children return to a healthy weight.


The Child Mind Institute's Dr. Laura Phillips spoke with CBS New York about the importance of parents to validate their kids’ feelings and impose daily routines.

Symptom Checker

Are you worried about your child? Indicate the behaviors that are making you concerned by answering a series of questions. The Symptom Checker analyzes your answers to give you a list of psychiatric or learning disorders that are associated with those symptoms.
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