Dear John, As you have no doubt heard, President Biden is trying to ram a new $1.9 trillion “stimulus” package through Congress on a partisan basis as fast as possible. As early as FRIDAY, February 26, the House of Representatives will vote on this radical and expensive scheme. Please tell your U.S. Representative right now to oppose President Biden’s unnecessary stimulus package. Congress has already provided more than $3 trillion in coronavirus recovery funding on a bipartisan basis. More than $1 trillion from these bills remains unspent. But that has not stopped President Biden and his Far-Left allies in Congress from trying to rush through his $1.9 trillion plan, which contains hundreds of billions of dollars in unrelated projects and programs and would bring total spending in response to the pandemic to an astonishing $5.7 trillion. Only 5 percent, or less than $100 billion, of this multi-trillion bill will be spent in the current fiscal year. The rest will be spent through 2028, long after the pandemic has subsided. Please demand that your Representative vote against this wasteful and excessive spending bill. The Congressional Budget Office recently reported that the economy will return to pre-COVID-19 levels by the middle of this year without a new stimulus package. Spending almost $2 trillion more is simply not needed to get our economy back up to speed. It will instead increase inflation and dramatically slow down any economic recovery. John, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.) will put this spending package up for a vote in just a few short days. If the bill passes, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) will then move to push Biden’s budget-busting bill through the Senate as quickly as possible. Tell your U.S. Representative to oppose President Biden’s “stimulus” plan. Thank you for taking action! Sincerely, Thomas Schatz President |