From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Hiring Hall: “Our greatest gift is the power of giving"
Date February 24, 2021 10:45 AM
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"Our greatest gift is the power of giving"

AFL-CIO mourns the death of 500,000 Americans from COVID-19

DC DSA Labor Working Group intensifies work

Today's Labor History

Today's Labor Quote: Danny Glover

Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!

TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Addressing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Workers in the German and US Metalworking Sectors: Wed, February 24, 11am - 12pm
[link removed] FREE; REGISTER HERE

Achieving Economic and Racial Justice for Black Workers: Policy Priorities for 2021 and Beyond: Wed, February 24, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
[link removed] Register here

Taxing the Rich and Bargaining for Racial Justice in Connecticut: Wed, February 24, 5pm - 6pm
[link removed] Register here

Baltimore Labor Council meeting (rescheduled from 2/17): Wed, February 24, 7pm - 9pm
Email for call-in details: mailto:[email protected] [email protected]

[link removed] Fairfax County Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, February 24, 7pm - 8pm

This week's [link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Belabored; The Rick Smith Show; RadioLabour; Solidarity Breakfast; UnionDues; Labor Radio on KBOO; Building Bridges; Empathy Media

BREAKING NEWS: The following candidates for vacant seats on the MWC Executive Board, running unopposed, were elected by acclamation at last night's Metro Washington Council meeting: Robert Hollingsworth (AFSCME Council 20),1st Vice President: Tom Clarke (IBEW 26), Board Member; Timothy Traylor (ACE-AFSCME 2250), Trustee.

"Our greatest gift is the power of giving"

When CWA Local 2108 member David W. experienced a hardship due to the pandemic, he reached out to his union and the MWC's [link removed] Community Services Agency for relief. In a recent thank you email to CSA, Brother David wrote: "Our greatest gift is the power of giving. Both CWA 2108 and the Community Services Agency were there for me when things went wrong. Our world is a better place because of Local 2108 and CSA!" "Helping local union members like David in times of hardship is exactly why it is so important to contribute to the CSA Emergency Assistance Fund," said CSA Executive Director Sonte DuCote. Please consider making a contribution to the [link removed] Emergency Assistance Fund here.

AFL-CIO mourns the death of 500,000 Americans from COVID-19
The United States has reached a tragic milestone in our fight against COVID-19: More than half a million Americans have succumbed to the coronavirus. Many of those lost were [link removed] our union brothers, sisters and friends. The AFL-CIO mourns their passing, and in their memory, we will fight every day to overcome this pandemic.

DC DSA Labor Working Group intensifies work

The Labor Working Group of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America is intensifying its' work, according to Carl Goldman, former MWC Executive Board member and retired Executive Director of AFSCME Council 26 (now Council 20). The Labor Working Group's activities include support for the struggles of local unions, advising workers on workplace organizing and a speaker series that features local labor leaders and activists geared to educating DSA members and friends about the work of unions in the DC area. The event features leaders of unions in the nonprofit sector and will be held on Zoom on Monday, March 1st; [link removed] sign up here. Local unions looking for help with turnout for picket lines, rallies, social media campaigns and other collective actions, or who have questions can email mailto:[email protected] [email protected].

Today's Labor Quote: Danny Glover

"It's absolutely stunning, important--essential that we can move beyond this place. COVID-19 has exposed the underbelly, in a different way, of what this country is about," he said of the potential for workers at Amazon in Alabama to form a union and fight for their rights in the workplace. Read the interview AFL-CIO Now blog interview [link removed] here.

Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly. Last week's show: [link removed] The Valentine's Day Strike of 1921

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women, justified as necessary to protect their health. A laundry owner was fined $10 for making a female employee work more than 10 hours in a single day - 1908

Women and children textile strikers beaten by Lawrence, Mass. police during a 63 day walkout protesting low wages and work speedups - 1912

- David Prosten

Hiring Hall: Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!

[link removed] Attorney, PASS (Professional Aviation Safety Specialists) (Posted: 2/22/2021)

[link removed] Campaign Lead, CWA (Communications Workers of America) (Posted: 2/19/2021)
[link removed] Women Innovating Labor Leadership - WILL Empower Apprenticeship Program (Posted: 2/18/2021)

[link removed] Community & Partnerships Organizer - UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists) Clean Transportation Program (Posted: 2/17/2021)
[link removed] Clean Trucks & Buses Campaign Manager - UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists) Clean Transportation Program, (Posted: 2/17/2021)
Concerted Action
[link removed] Digital Organizer - Workplace Campaigns, Concerted Action (Posted: 2/16/2021)
[link removed] Organizing Director, DC JWJ (2/22)

[link removed] Senior Strategic Research Analyst, SOC (Strategic Organizing Center) (Posted: 2/16/2021)
[link removed] Strategic Research Analyst, SOC (Strategic Organizing Center) (Posted: 2/16/2021)

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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