
Amidst all the email you are surely receiving from campaigns this weekend as we near the end of the quarter, I wanted to reach out to you with a slightly different message: to wish you a Happy New Year as we mark the beginning of Rosh Hashanah at sundown.

Some of you may not know that when Joe and I got married 13 years ago, our blended family brought together not just our five wonderful children and our dogs, but also our very different backgrounds. While Joe grew up in an Irish Catholic family (did you know he's the middle of nine children?!), I grew up in a Conservative Jewish family that emigrated from Central and Eastern Europe around the turn of the century. About the same time that Joe was a young man considering joining the seminary, I was living in Israel working on a kibbutz. 

We have very different backgrounds, but sharing in each other's unique faith traditions and experiences has been an enriching part of our marriage that we both cherish.

Tonight, as we mark the Jewish New Year, Joe and I will celebrate Rosh Hashanah with our family and friends here at home in Illinois. In Hebrew, Shanah Tovah is how we wish you a happy, healthy and sweet new year, and we mark the holiday with prayers for a year of peace, prosperity and blessing. 

Joe and I know we have a big year ahead of us, and we are so grateful for the blessing of your support as we continue to spread the message of this growing movement and campaign. We couldn't do it without you.

So whatever your faith background, Shanah Tovah from our family to yours.



Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.

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