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Edinburgh City Council has agreed to support the introduction of 'buffer zones' around abortion clinics in Scotland - to prevent women being harassed by pro-life campaigners.
Sir Mark Rowley and the Commission for Countering Extremism found hateful groups of all kinds are "operating with impunity" by exploiting gaps between existing hate crime and terrorism legislation.
A terminally-ill Islander has spoken out to support changes to the law in Jersey to permit assisted dying as he tells of his plans to travel to Switzerland to end his life.
The government is currently consulting on whether to continue allowing women and pregnant people to have abortions at home via telemedicine once the pandemic ends.
The Arkansas Senate on Monday approved a measure banning nearly all abortions in the state, despite objections to the ban not including exceptions for rape or incest.
The Hindu nationalist government postponed plans for a national student exam on cows that critics said used specious claims and substituted religion for science.
Alastair Lichten argues that understanding Christian nationalism is essential to understanding the presidency of Donald Trump and its consequences for the world.
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