Our fundraising goal for the quarter is in reach, but we're counting on people like you stepping up to help.
Hickenlooper for Colorado |


We’re closing in on our first FEC fundraising deadline, and I wanted to take a minute to reach out.

Our fundraising goal for the quarter is within reach, and we’re counting on people like you stepping up to help. Will you chip in whatever you can before the deadline at midnight tomorrow?

John and I have been so moved by the support we’ve seen since we launched this campaign.

It’s been amazing to see so many people fired up to win back this Senate seat and elect someone like John who has spent years fighting for and achieving real, meaningful change in Colorado.

He’s going to be a senator who will fight to fundamentally change the way Washington works—but what will get him there is your support.

Before Monday night’s FEC deadline, can you chip in to help reach our goal?

Thank you so much,








Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper for Colorado are not tax deductible.

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