**Announcing new ways to win transit!**


Members' Working Groups - Sign Up!

We're launching two pilot member working groups in March. We hope to build a way for members to get help shape our policy and advocacy, and help grow our strength to win for transit.

Join today if you'd like to get involved!

Break-out session at our 2019 DataJam in partnership with the American Planning Association

Our Regional Policy Working Group will strategize how to raise the voice of San Francisco riders at the the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). How can we allocate regional funds to best serve riders? What are our priorities around regional fare and service integration? How do we address uneven ridership and representation across the region? Get involved and help define SFTR's regional agenda.

By 2025 SFMTA will be almost half a billion dollars in debt. Our Local Transit Funding Working Group will evaluate potential funding measures in San Francisco. It's increasingly likely that Muni funding will be on the 2022 ballot, and this group will build the political will to win it!

These working groups will begin in March and are open to all active SFTR members - become a member today! Sign up below to join either working group, and we'll be in touch about schedules, structures, and any questions you have. Together, we can define and lead our rider-first agenda!


Launching SFTR's Members-Only Slack!

Slack is a channel-based messaging platform San Francisco Transit Riders is launching to take our community of riders to the next level.

With Slack, members can work more effectively together to organize campaigns, share articles, and share transit updates. Conversations in Slack can be broken up in channels which allow people to opt into topics they care about, such as 'District 7' or 'transit funding.'

We will continue to host the SFTR Google Group for members. Slack will provide an additional venue for real time conversations, learning and advocacy. If you want to be part of these transit conversations, become a member today.


Tomorrow: Priority for the 1 California

SFMTA is getting ready to roll out temporary priority lanes for the 1 California. If you ever use this route, and especially if you live in Districts 1, 2, or 3, please join SFMTA's second community meeting Wednesday, February 24, at 2:00pm. Sign up now to stay informed about when and how to speak up!


Tomorrow: How We Can Fund Muni

Muni is facing massive revenue losses due to COVID. This is on top of years of underfunding that have left it vulnerable, with outdated equipment and facilities.

Photo: SFMTA, Potrero Yard

We have fought for, and won, federal relief funding that no one thought likely in the beginning. We'll continue to push for the additional federal relief essential to see Muni through the pandemic. After that runs out, however, Muni will still be left with mounting costs of deferred maintenance and lack of investment to deliver the service we need in the longer term.

Register today to learn from SFMTA staff about how much funding Muni really needs, and where it can come from. How much funding can we get voters to support in the next election? Bring your questions!


Thank Your Muni Driver!

March 18 is Transit Driver Appreciation Day (TDAD). We know our Muni operators had a particularly difficult year, but they keep coming to work every day to make sure San Francisco keeps moving.

We want to say thank you in a big way, but of course can't do it in person. Help us send them a big warm fuzzy personal thank you note so they know how much we appreciate them! 

Simply get a big piece of paper, a big marker, write your personal message, and send us a picture of your awesome smile with your note. We'll put them together and make sure all the operators get your virtual hugs and thanks.


Good Muni News!

Geary Blvd now has some cool transit priority tools in place.

Photo: SFMTA

Sidewalk-widening bus bulbs provide more space for riders and pedestrians; mean less time at stops; and give us a smoother ride as the bus travels in a straight line rather than swerving to the curb and back into traffic. Queue jumps are another cool tool - giving Muni buses a little transit-only room to get ahead of traffic at lights. Check out this quick video.

Free Rides to Vaccine Sites!

Photo: SFMTA

Muni and paratransit are providing free rides to vaccination sites. Read here for more information.

HOV lanes to speed up the 28 19th Ave

The 28 19th Ave route happens to run on roads that are under Caltrans jurisdiction as state highways. The 28 saw some of the biggest increases in speed under the original shelter-in-place order, when there were practically no cars on the road. SFMTA has developed an innovative plan with Caltrans to make curb lanes along Lombard and Park Presidio HOV lanes, giving Muni and other regional transit a priority lane. Learn more here, and definitely check out the video. We'll be tracking this project to make sure it's a success!


John - our records show you're not yet a member. Please give today for access to member benefits, like special access to events and opportunities to influence our work; and to support our work for awesome transit!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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