CTV Alert
February 23, 2021
Tell your Representative to Oppose House Bill 5
This week, the U.S. House is expected to vote on the “Equality Act” (H.R. 5). This bill would create new, protected classes based on a person’s self-identified sexual orientation and gender identity. The president has already pledged to sign this bill, and if passed, the Equality Act would pose serious threats, including:

  • Create a federally protected "right to abortion"
  • Sanction abortion and removing pro-life protection
  • Introduce sexually explicit curriculum in schools across the nation
  • Pressure struggling children to receive experimental cross-sex hormones and life-altering surgeries
  • Let males win female sports championships
  • Allow males to enter female locker rooms and women’s shelters
  • Close faith-based foster and adoption agencies
  • Deny parental rights in the name of a sexualized political ideology
  • Silence religious conscience and free speech for those who disagree

The Equality Act allow federal funding and enforcement of these dangerous and destructive mandates and would create other problems as well. We must make it absolutely clear to members of Congress that this bill is downright dangerous and we will not stand for it.

Our nation was founded upon equality, the truth that all of us are created equally. The Equality Act is a cheap counterfeit of those words, and Congress must not get away with it! Please contact your member of Congress today about this bill. 
Because this is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever introduced in Washington, we are asking you to do one more thing: Join us for an online rally to oppose H.R. 5.

Perhaps in another time, we would peacefully express our opinion outside the U.S. Capitol, but with guards and wire fencing surrounding the building, we must  gather online. We know it’s an early morning, but we want to be sure to gather before the House votes so we can maximize our impact.
The rally will stream live across Facebook and YouTube, and in order to send a strong message to Congress it’s critical that many people join.

Our friend at the Family Policy Alliance, Craig DeRoche, will be hosting this event, and we’re excited to be joined by like-minded allies from many other outstanding organizations that you may know! During the one-hour rally, you’ll hear from prominent leaders across the political spectrum – and in true rally fashion, audience participation will be encouraged, virtual-style!

Here are some of the individuals and organizations confirmed to attend:

Family Research Council
The Heritage Foundation
Family Policy Alliance
Wisconsin Family Action
Concerned Women for America
Save Women’s Sports
Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs
March for Life
State-level Family Policy Councils (sister organizations to CTV)
Members of Congress
And More!

RSVP to the #EqualityActExposed virtual rally now!

Please pass the word on to anyone who may be interested. Together, let’s make it clear to Congress life and family are worth protecting.


James Muffett
CTV President