Believe it or not, I had hair past my shoulders growing up in Louisville. I played all kinds of music in my high school bands, from bluegrass to rock. I even play a mean jazz version of “Let It Snow.”
While I once dreamed of being a rock star, as I grew up and traveled throughout Kentucky, I saw that for too many everyday Americans, their (much more realistic) dreams were out of reach.
Kentucky families struggle to afford a trip to the doctor, are forced to send their children to overcrowded classrooms, and even need to work two jobs just to make ends meet. But when they begged for help what did right-wing Kentucky politicians in Frankfort, and Mitch McConnell in Washington do? They gave favors to giant special interests while turning their backs on those hard-working families.
My dreams changed. That’s why I ran as a Democrat for the Kentucky State Senate.
And won.
But the hard work to help Kentucky families is just starting, and I urgently need your help. We’ve set a goal of $10,000 and we need your support to reach it:
I’m proud to be the Democratic Minority Leader in the Kentucky State Senate. I’m tirelessly working to enact affordable health care, strong education, and freedom from discrimination for all Kentuckians -- because Kentucky is our home, and everyone has the right to a compassionate government that works for them.
Democrats can’t back down now because millions of Kentuckians are depending on us.
But if we are going to give the helping hand that working people need, Democrats must rebuild our party. We can’t just compete in deep blue areas; we need to be a party that gives voters a choice in all parts of the country.
I believe Democrats can win anywhere if we go everywhere. But we need to present a bold vision and clear values.
We need to meet voters where they are. And show them how we can make their lives better, and help them reach their dreams.
Join Democrats in the fight for the future of Kentucky -- will you make a donation today to help us hit our $10,000 goal and continue this vital work?
I may not be crowd surfing at Madison Square Garden anytime soon. But a Kentucky with affordable healthcare, well-funded schools, and equality for all? That would be music to my ears.
-- Morgan
Morgan McGarvey
Senate Democratic Leader, Kentucky
