A few weeks ago, I asked for your opinion on the three most critical issues facing our country — understanding the number one priority for all of us is ending this devastating pandemic and the economic hardship it has created.

And while there were hundreds of responses for every proposed topic (plus quite a few emails in my inbox about additional ones!) here are the top four:

  • Climate change
  • Make health care more affordable
  • Restore the Voting Rights Act
  • Rebuild our aging infrastructure

Here is the good news: We are tackling every single one of those critical priorities in the early days of this new Congress and will be tackling several others as the year progresses.

First up, we are going to pass the American Rescue Plan. This is the big pandemic response plan to speed up vaccinations, support struggling families and small businesses with financial relief, expand unemployment benefits, support schools so they can reopen safely, and address hunger in our communities.

President Biden has also acted to open up a special enrollment period for Obamacare through May 15. Here in Washington state, this open enrollment period for Cascade Care will expand access and affordability to those impacted by the pandemic.

After we pass the American Rescue Plan, we will take up the For The People Act. We will restore the Voting Rights Act, end partisan gerrymandering, impose new ethics rules, empower grassroots donors and reduce the power of SuperPACs, ensure that those without ID can cast their ballot by submitting a sworn statement, and much more.

We will soon vote on the Wilderness Act to protect critical wilderness nationwide, including the last remaining acres of ancient and mature forests on the Olympic Peninsula.

And of course, I am deeply engaged in the development of an infrastructure package that will create jobs, improve our economy, and make critical progress in our fight against climate change.

After the last four years, we have a lot of work to do. And I get up every morning enthusiastic about getting it done. Thank you for your support and your input. It means a lot to me.


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