John, I am heading back to D.C. this week to vote on what Nancy Pelosi is claiming to be a COVID Relief package. This legislation is packed full of major Socialist priorities that do NOTHING to help businesses or the American people recover from the pandemic. Just like Pelosi did with Obamacare, she has crafted this bill in secret with no Republican input and now, even some Democrats are opposing it as well. Please let me hear your opinions TODAY, so I can return to Congress equipped with your advice and guidance about what concerns you most in this massive Pelosi spending bill. Can you take my survey RIGHT NOW so we have results tonight? OFFICIAL COVID RELIEF PRIORITIES SURVEY EMAIL: STATUS: INCOMPLETE TAKE SURVEY As Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, famously said in 2008, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" and the Democrats are fully embracing this mantra now! Many of these so-called "priorities" include business-killing initiatives, new government mandates, and massive new government spending. I will not back down from standing up to Nancy Pelosi and her Socialist Allies in their fight to transform our country during this pandemic. Please help me by taking my quick survey right now! Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your opinions with me. Representative Beth Van Duyne P.S. Democrats are rushing this process and it is urgent that you take this one-minute survey today! Please fill it out here. Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress Beth Van Duyne for Congress | P.O. Box 630167, Irving, TX 75063 Unsubscribe Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by