A supporter wrote last week, "Relax. Trump is gone. Stop raising an alarm." Another wrote that she is even more worried about Trumpism now that she hears more about the January 6 insurrection attempt. @RefuseFascism is pursing this urgent discussion in weekly podcasts:
“In terms
of the influence on society we have now already seen that the removal of
Donald Trump was not enough because it was not a forced removal and it
was not a reckoning of his presidency but rather continuation of
enabling in many ways… We see a lot of the effects, what many of us are
calling Trumpism, continue. I believe that’s very much the march towards
fascism that you’ve been trying to fight.” Dr. Bandy Lee
Sam Goldman
interviews Dr. Bandy Lee, M.D., M.Div., a forensic psychiatrist,
violence expert, and faculty member of Yale School of Medicine for 17
years who also taught at Yale Law School for 15 years. She is author of the
textbook, Violence (2019). She edited The Dangerous Case of Donald
Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President
(2017 and 2019) and authored Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind,
America’s Soul (2020).
>> Listen & share here
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Produced and brought to you by volunteers with
Hosted by Sam Goldman
With your support, these discussions can reach a wider audience. Recent podcasts:
Henry Giroux: Downplaying Trumpism is Dangerous.
Trump is out of power now but clearly there is still a need for
people acting together to refuse fascism and demand a more just world.
How close did we come to full-blown fascism? What are we faced with now
and what is needed? January 24, 2021
Jo-Marie Burt: Scholar of political violence, human rights and transitional justice in
Latin America; What can we learn about recovery from the Trump years
and attempted self-coup from other countries? January 19, 2021
YOU can help widen the discussion by writing a review of these podcasts. Selected examples:
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