Sunday, September 29, 2019

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Why Isn't Congress Impeaching Trump for War Crimes?

Mike Ludwig, Truthout

The latest scandal that has rocked the White House and sparked an impeachment inquiry in Congress is far from President Trump's most harmful escapade. Like those who came before him, Trump's record is full controversies on the international stage, and many of them are drenched in blood. Why is it that Trump's alleged attempt to coerce a foreign government with U.S. aid has finally provoked an impeachment inquiry, whereas the brutality of his foreign policy did not?
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South Dakota's Brazen Violation of Medicaid Law Hurts Women of Color Most

Fabiola Carrión, Truthout

For more than two decades, South Dakota has been overtly violating federal Medicaid law by categorically refusing abortions for Medicaid enrollees who are survivors of incest or rape. And earlier this year, Republican Gov. Kristi Noem brazenly stated that her administration will continue with the status quo, which disproportionately harms women of color. Medicaid enrollees in South Dakota deserve better than this.
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Documentary Exposes Wall Street Power Behind Global Gentrification Boom

Yosef Brody, Truthout

The new documentary PUSH renders a much-needed public service by shedding light on the urban housing crisis that has been growing since the 2008 financial crash, forcing people out of their homes and unraveling multigenerational communities. Rather than critiquing gentrification, PUSH exposes the insidious connection between the private equity and real estate industries responsible for the current crisis in housing insecurity and homelessness.
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New Polls Show Three-Way Race Emerging Among Biden, Sanders and Warren

Staff, Common Dreams

New CNN polls from two key early states released Sunday solidify the notion that the Democratic Party presidential primary has largely become a three-way race between Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. With the announcement this week of an official impeachment inquiring into President Donald Trump by House Democrats, the stakes of the 2020 elections continue to rise.
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Poultry Workers and Allies Organize in the Wake of Anti-Immigrant Raids

Rose Bookbinder, Labor Notes

On August 7, the poultry towns of central Mississippi suffered the largest workplace raid in the U.S. since 2006. The raid instilled fear not only in Mississippi poultry plants but also among immigrants all over the country. Workers in the affected areas are pushing back by forming organizing committees while community members have started to keep track of the labor violations they have experienced at these plants or elsewhere.
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iPhone Workers Are 25 Times More Exploited Than 19th-Century Textile Workers

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research

Apple has just released its iPhone 11, an obscenely expensive commodity, with the bulk of the cost of its sale going not to the workers nor to Foxconn but to Apple. An analysis by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research reveals that an infinitesimal part of the iPhone workers' day is devoted to producing the value needed by the workers as wages; the bulk of the working day is spent to enhance the wealth of the capitalist.
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Why Detroit Could Be the Engine for the Green New Deal

Eleanore Catolico, YES! Magazine

In Detroit, communities continue to be harmed by air pollution, and thousands of residents continue to battle water shutoffs. A coalition of Indigenous, Black and Brown communities, environmental activists, union workers and lawmakers pushed the city council to pass a resolution this summer in support of the Green New Deal. The largest city in Michigan exhibits all of the problems the GND framework is meant to heal.
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Black Southern Mayors Issue Endorsement "Roadmap" to Presidential Hopefuls

Olivia Paschal, Facing South

The mayors of Birmingham, Alabama; Columbia, South Carolina; Jackson, Mississippi; and New Orleans have released "A Roadmap to Winning the South," a detailed list of policies that they say are needed for their communities to thrive. The big-city leaders say that it will take the promise of funding focused on racial justice and equitable housing, climate and infrastructure policies to win their support.
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In Case You Missed It

Will This Be the Scandal That Finally Prompts Republicans to Defect From Trump?

Alexis Goldstein, Truthout

Donald Trump has made it clear throughout his presidency that when he's put in a corner, he'll throw his own staff under the bus in order to save himself. As the Ukraine scandal deepens, Republicans will be increasingly concerned with self-preservation. But if they circle the wagons now, they're doing so around a stick of lit dynamite.
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Manufactured Misery at the Tijuana Border Crossing

Leonard Cavise, Truthout

Tijuana, Mexico, was already the busiest crossing point in the hemisphere for migrants from around the world to the United States. Now the Trump administration rules have created an untenable situation for the tens of thousands of people forced to wait indefinitely under deplorable living conditions at overcrowded shelters and tent cities -- without hope of ever crossing over.
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