Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Dear John,

This week, the U.S. House will vote on a bill known as the “Equality Act” (H.R. 5). This bill would create new protected classes based on a person’s self-identified sexual orientation and gender identity. If it became law, the Equality Act would pose serious threats, especially to women and children across the nation:

Sanctioning abortions and removing pro-life protections
Introducing explicit content in school curriculum across the nation
Pressuring struggling children toward experimental cross-sex hormones and surgery
Letting males win girls’ sports championships
Allowing males to enter girls’ locker rooms and women’s shelters
Closing the doors of faith-based foster and adoption agencies
Denying parental rights in the name of a sexualized political ideology
Silencing all of us who disagree

The Equality Act would bring these harms nationwide, with the force (and taxpayer money) of the federal government behind them.

That’s a huge threat.

We must make it absolutely clear to members of Congress that not only is this not “equality,” but it’s downright dangerous and we will not stand for it. Our nation was founded upon equality, the truth that all of us are created equally. The Equality Act is a cheap counterfeit of those words, and Congress must not get away with it! Please contact your member of Congress today about this bill. Our new Action Center makes it easy to take action!  Click HERE for a fast and efficient way to send an email message to your Member of Congress! (Use the prepared message or edit it as you would like--which we encourage.)


Because the Equality Act is the most dangerous piece of legislation we’ve seen come out of Congress, we are compelled to ask you to take one more step.


Perhaps in another time, Americans would have gathered outside the U.S. Capitol to peacefully express their opposition to this dangerous legislation.

But right now, the U.S. Capitol is surrounded by guards and wire fencing. At a time when Congress most needs to hear our voice, we can’t go there to share it.

So instead, we’re gathering online. We know it’s an early morning, but we want to be sure to gather before the House votes so we can maximize our impact.

The rally will stream live across Facebook and YouTube, and in order to send a strong message to Congress it’s critical that many people join.

Family Policy Alliance's CEO, Craig DeRoche, will be hosting this event, and we’re excited to be joined by our friends from many other outstanding organizations that you may know! During the one-hour rally, you’ll hear from prominent leaders across the political spectrum – and in true rally fashion, audience participation will be encouraged, virtual-style!

We’ll even be looking to see which state brings the most people to the virtual rally!

Here are some of the individuals and organizations confirmed to attend:

Family Research Council
Family Policy Alliance
Concerned Women for America
Save Women’s Sports
The Heritage Foundation
Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs
March for Life
State-level Family Policy Councils (sister organizations to WFA)
Members of Congress
And More!

RSVP to the #EqualityActExposed virtual rally now!

Please pass the word on to anyone who may be interested. Together, let’s make it clear to Congress that women and children are worth protecting.

Standing with families,

Julaine Appling, President
Wisconsin Family Action

P.S. We’re hearing that Democratic leadership will not allow any amendments on the Equality Act before they vote on this unprecedented, dangerous piece of legislation. That means there will be no opportunity for members of Congress to vote on individual threats and concerns within the bill, nor a chance to improve the bill in any way. And, we know mainstream media will make the bill sound completely harmless. That’s why we’re holding the rally—we need your help to EXPOSE what’s really going on! Don’t forget to RSVP!