This past week, we as Texans went through a collective trauma together, and our most marginalized communities were most deeply impacted. Now, we need you to use your voice to ensure that Texas officials provide much needed relief to affected Texans and ensure that no future disaster ever occurs from negligence again.
This Thursday, February 25, the House State Affairs and Energy Resources committees will hold a joint emergency hearing about the recent power crisis, and we need you to submit a written public comment.
The disastrous response to COVID and now the catastrophic power and water crisis this month make it clear that Gov. Abbott and other Republican leaders who have run this state for decades have failed Texas families. They care so much about protecting corporate profits and the interests of the powerful that they left people out in the cold -- depriving families of heat and water in the middle of a bone-chilling winter storm. We can’t let this happen again.
We need you to submit a comment before the hearing this Thursday. These written public comments are necessary to show our elected leaders they can’t ignore the voices and experiences of everyday Texans.
It’s time for Texas to return power to our families.
I hope that you and your loved ones are safe today.
In the fight,

Jules Mandel
TFN Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator