National Action Alert

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote soon on the so-called Equality Act. If you haven’t heard, this bill would create new protected classes based on a person’s self-identified "sexual orientation and gender identity" (SOGI).

This bill poses serious threats to Americans, especially women and children. If it becomes law, the Act will serve as a backdoor way to sanction abortions, introduce explicit content in school curriculum, let boys win in girls’ sports, pressure children toward experimental cross-sex hormones – and silence all of us who disagree.

Take Action to Contact Your Texas Congressman Right Now>>

Sound familiar? Many of these same items are included in the #BanTheBible Bills before the Texas Legislature that threaten our religious freedoms. We are working to defeat these dangerous LGBT bills in the state legislature, and we also need your help now to defeat it at the national level!

We must expose this Act for all that it really is.

Unfortunately, we’ve heard that Democratic leadership is not going to allow any meaningful debate on the Act before the vote. That means that even if a member of Congress opposes the Equality Act, they won’t have the opportunity to explain why.

The best way to make sure the Equality Act is exposed is to contact your member of Congress directly. Please take immediate action today.


In addition to contacting your member of Congress, we invite you to join the Equality Act Exposed Virtual Rally on Wednesday, March 24 at 10 AM ET/9 AM CT/8 AM MT/7 AM PT. Perhaps in another time, Americans would have gathered outside the U.S. Capitol to peacefully express their opposition to this dangerous legislation.

But right now, the U.S. Capitol is surrounded by guards and wire fencing. At a time when Congress most needs to hear our voice, we can’t go there to share it.

So instead, we’re gathering online. We know it’s an early morning, but we want to be sure to gather before the House votes so we can maximize our impact.

The rally, hosted by Family Policy Alliance, will stream live across Facebook and YouTube, and in order to send a strong message to Congress it’s critical that many people join. During the one-hour rally, you’ll hear from prominent leaders across the political spectrum – and in true rally fashion, audience participation will be encouraged, virtual-style!

We want Texas to bring the most people to the virtual rally!

Here are some of the individuals and organizations confirmed to attend:

1.    The Heritage Foundation
2.    Family Research Council
3.    Concerned Women for America
4.    Save Women’s Sports
5.    Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)
6.    American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs
7.    March for Life
8.    Pro-family organizations representing the states, like Texas Values Action
9.    Members of Congress
10.    And More!

Please pass the word on to anyone who may be interested. Together, let’s make it clear to Congress that women and children are worth protecting.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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