“The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the organization and Executive Committee, supervise the activities of the organization, and perform all other duties incidental to the office. The Chairman shall serve as Chief Executive Officer for all Young Republican National Federation functions. The Chairman shall also be the organization’s primary liaison between the organization, the DC Republican Party and other Republican organizations.”
Executive Vice Chair
“The Executive Vice Chair shall be responsible for the administrative functions of the organization including but not limited to the supervision and coordination of the activities of other Vice Chairs. The Executive Vice Chair shall perform all other duties as assigned by the Chairman. In the event the Chairman is temporarily absent or unable to perform his or her duties, the Executive Vice Chair shall preside and perform the duties of the Chairman.”
National Committeeman/Woman
“The National Committeeman and Committeewoman shall assist the Chairman in representing the organization in all Young Republican National Federation Affairs and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.”
Vice Chair of Communications
“The Vice Chair of Communications shall record and archive minutes of member and executive committee meetings. The Vice Chair of Communications shall serve as secretary for all Young Republican National Federation functions. In addition, the Vice Chair of Communications shall be responsible for all internal organization communications, as well as all communication between the organization and external audiences. The Vice Chair of Communications shall direct the activities of the Communications Committee and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.”
Vice Chair of Events
“The Vice Chair of Events shall be responsible for organizing all DCYR meetings and functions. The Vice Chair of Events shall direct the activities of the Events Committee and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.”
Vice Chair of Finance
“The Vice Chair of Finance shall collect and payout all organization funds as directed by the Executive Committee. The Vice Chair of Finance shall deposit such funds in a depository designated by the Executive Committee and shall keep accounts thereof open at all times to inspection. The Vice Chair of Finance shall render accounts of the transactions and of the financial condition of the organization at each regular meeting and shall submit an annual written report at the January meeting. The Vice Chair of Finance shall direct the activities of the Finance Committee and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.”
Vice Chair of Membership.
“The Vice Chair of Membership shall be responsible for the recruitment and retention of members. In addition, they will be responsible for keeping the official roll of the membership and maintaining the organization’s membership database. The Vice Chair of Membership shall direct the activities of the Membership Committee and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.”
Vice Chair of Political Events
The Vice Chair of Political Activities shall be responsible for involving the organization in all relevant political activities. The Vice Chair of Political Activities shall direct the activities of the Political Activities Committee and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairman