2020 State Index on Youth Homelessness
The third annual 2020 State Index on Youth Homelessness, ranking and scoring laws and policies related to preventing and addressing youth homelessness in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, was released today by True Colors United and the National Homelessness Law Center
The State Index on Youth Homelessness (the Index) measures and reports on the systems, environment, and laws of all states as they relate to preventing and ending youth homelessness, and paints a broad picture of where states currently stand and how they can improve. The report serves as a guide to make changes to existing policies, systems, and services towards ending and preventing youth homelessness at the state level. 
Despite the COVID-19 crisis forcing many states to change priorities in 2020, some states continued the push for positive growth--for the first time, one of the jurisdictions included in the report earned the equivalnt of an A grade. 
The Index supports advocates, policymakers, and young people themselves by identifying where states’ laws, systems, and environments fall short of what’s necessary to facilitate ending youth homelessness and making recommendations for addressing these problems based on both well-proven and promising practices in other jurisdictions.
In addition to this year's report, we are hosting a webinar on Making the Grade: The State Government Response to Youth Homelessness on March 10 at
11 PT / 2 ET.
To register for the webinar, click here.
The full report can be downloaded here, and each state's report and a sign up to receive more information on the State Index can be found here.  
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National Homelessness Law Center (formerly the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty)
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036