Dear John,
I’ve run out of words to express just how awful the hunger crisis in America really is... so instead, I’ll share words from one mother in California.
"This was my first year of going without food," she told us. "This experience was really, really just nerve-wracking."
Thanks to friends like you, her family got through the crisis. With support from No Kid Hungry, the local school district was able to mobilize to safely get healthy food to her kids and others in her community.
But millions of families across the country are facing the same sort of uncertainty, and a monthly commitment from a caring person like you can help them get through it.
Become a monthly donor today and the Arby’s Foundation will donate an additional $50 to help feed hungry kids, up to $50,000.
In America today, 1 in 4 kids is at risk for hunger. That's why we're asking you to consider a monthly commitment — because the number of kids facing hunger is far too high.
Here’s why your monthly support is so important:
- Monthly giving creates a stable base for vital programs, allowing us to plan for the future and react quickly in times of crisis.
- The pandemic and the recession, means getting the food to the kids who need it most is more important than ever.
- Your generosity will provide exactly the kind of predictable, steady income No Kid Hungry needs to keep up with the demand.
And when you make your first monthly gift by February 28, the Arby’s Foundation will generously donate $50.
Childhood hunger is a solvable problem. Let’s solve it together. Thank you for all you do for the children who need you.

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry