We've never been closer – Tell your Senators: We need $15/hr NOW >>
My own manager wouldn't even tell me what I was getting paid an hour. The highest paycheck I ever got was only $291. I can't wait one day more for $15 – for my 2 kids and the one on the way.
We can't trust corporations like McDonald's to do the right thing – pay us what we need to feed our families and keep a roof over our heads.
It's time to bring $15 to ALL workers, no matter where they live. Jam the Senate phone lines to tell them we all need $15, and we need it NOW >> 1-888-639-5155
I know we can win because we've BEEN winning – in cities, counties, and in 8 states around the country: 27 million workers have seen raises thanks to our movement.
$15 is the beginning – not the end – of our fight for racial and economic justice. Workers like me still don't have union rights, which is what we need to secure a life of dignity.
That's how we'll win proper healthcare.
That's how we'll get the PPE we need to stay safe.
And that's what will give my children a future.
But first federal $15/hr is in Congress' hands: Call your Senator and tell them what $15 would mean for you >> 1-888-639-5155
In solidarity,
Sylcoria Carroll
McDonald's Worker
Durham, NC
Fight for $15 and a Union