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SICK: Wuhan Lab Eligible To Receive US Taxpayer Funding Through 2024
Rewarding the CCP for the overthrow of “We the People” using Chinese bio-weaponry developed in Wuhan.

Wuhan Lab Eligible To Receive US Taxpayer Funding Through 2024

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is authorized to receive ...

Justice Thomas: Supreme Court REFUSAL to Hear Pennsylvania Election Cases Is ‘INEXPLICABLE’
The last honest man …….

Justice Thomas: SCOTUS Refusal to Hear Pennsylvania Election Cases Is 'Inexplicable'

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to reject the review of two 2020 Pennsylvania presidential election cases Monday, but Justices ...

Supreme Court WON’T Hear Pennsylvania Election Lawsuits
If an election has been hijacked and the will of the people snuffed out, are we to believe there is no recourse in America?

Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett have been a disaster as Supreme Court picks. And one wonders who is blackmailing Chief ...

Wikipedia Co-founder SLAMS site’s far-left bias, its ‘neutrality long gone,’ ‘it’s is a joke’
Wikipedia is a far-left propaganda resource and has been for years. We have long known, and railed to no avail. Wikipedia is a joke and no one with a measure of integrity and/or scholarship goes near it.

Wikipedia is but one cog in an immense ...

GREED: Democrats Prep for Party-Line Vote on $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Bill
From the story: House Democrats aren’t expecting to get a single GOP vote for their aid package, which they’re taking up with the procedural maneuver known as reconciliation in order to win Senate passage without the threat of a filibuster. The ...

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