We are honored and grateful to celebrate Lila Reinold, our Business & Finance Manager, on her 36th Doorways anniversary!
Celebrating Healthy Relationships
10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
"Healthy relationships bring out the best in you and make you feel good about yourself. A healthy relationship does not mean a 'perfect' relationship, and no one is healthy 100% of the time, but the signs below are behaviors you should strive for in all of your relationships."
Healthy Relationships Workshop for Teens
Wednesday, February 24th, 4:30 p.m.
"This workshop is designed to help teens learn the importance of healthy relationships in their lives--whether those relationships are with friends, dating partners or themselves. Participants will identify qualities of a healthy relationship, discuss the importance of boundary setting, talk through overcoming rejection and have a safe space to ask relationship questions."
Doorways' Prevention Program
Doorways is launching our own Prevention program targeting youth. Want to follow along with our progress and be a part of a cohort of support? Click here to sign up!
Courageous Conversations Parent Workshop
Wednesday, February 24th, 7:00 p.m.
"Parenting can be tough and your teen dating can add an extra layer of challenges. If you’re feeling confused or stuck, this workshop is here to help! This workshop is designed to offer adults strategies for having conversations with the teens in their lives about healthy relationships, helping teens define and assert boundaries, and intervening with compassion when noticing warning signs that a teen is in relationship trouble."
In the News
Is A “Homeless Pandemic” Looming?
"While there's been a lot of effort to reduce our families experiencing homelessness, it's still a problem," said Diana Ortiz, Doorways' President and CEO, on The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU). "Sometimes we don't see it, because families, you won't see them on the street with the children. They may be doubled-up, tripled-up, living unstably from place to place."
Domestic Violence Survivors Urgently Need Housing Stability and Solutions during the Pandemic
"Survivors of domestic violence face mounting precarity as the COVID-19 and eviction crises collide and create fractures in community and household stability. Disasters and emergencies increase frequency and severity of abuse, and the pandemic is no exception. Economic instability, unsafe housing, and lack of social support can dramatically worsen survivors' situations."
Gayle King asked FKA Twigs 'Why didn't you leave?' Her question is part of the problem.
"The question should really be to the abuser: 'Why are you holding someone hostage with abuse?' People say it can't have been that bad, because else you would've left. But it's like, no, it's because it was that bad, I couldn't leave."
10 Tips to Have an Informed Conversation about Domestic Violence
"Learning how to talk about domestic violence can go a long way towards creating a world where all survivors feel supported, not shamed," says NNEDV. Check out their tips for more information.
Drive-Thru Deeds
Have more at home than you need? Swing by our office on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to drop off items you may have "extra" of at home.

Please contact Joy Myers at JMyers@DoorwaysVA.org or (703) 504-9290 for donation drop-off instructions.
This week's items:
  • Cleaning supplies, especially disinfectant wipes
  • Hand soap
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Kitchen sponges
  • Dish soap

Can't make it to our HQ? Give through our Amazon Wish List at bit.ly/DoorwaysUrgentNeeds.

Thank you for keeping our shelters stocked with critical supplies!
Do you need support? Do you know someone else who might? Call Doorways to speak with an advocate now.
24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline: