Hawley aided and abetted an insurrection

Nearly 100,000 people have already signed our petition to Merrick Garland. Add your name here.

In response to Hawley's attack, we're re-posting our billboard in Missouri calling for Hawley to be expelled.

Donate here. Every $250 we raise will allow us to keep this billboard up one additional day in Missouri.

Tell Merrick Garland to Prosecute Trump. Sign the petition.

This morning, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley attacked our petition to Merrick Garland in Garland's Senate confirmation hearing for Attorney General, saying:

"The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a left-wing activist group that does fundraising for Democrat Party causes is circulating a petition that quotes 'Trump and his criminal network of associates must be investigated and prosecuted for lawbreaking.'"

To be clear, nobody wants a politicized Justice Department. Americans want a Justice Department that investigates and prosecutes lawbreaking, which would inevitably lead to the prosecution of Trump and his associates.

Nearly 100,000 people have already signed our petition. Add your name here.

In response to Hawley's attack, we're re-posting our billboard in Missouri calling for Hawley to be expelled. Donate here. Every $250 we raise will allow us to keep this billboard up one additional day in Missouri.

Josh Hawley aided and abetted an insurrection and clearly fears a Justice Department that will bring accountability to criminal lawbreakers. And he has good reason to.

Hawley actively incited the riot on Jan 6 and was the first senator to say he'd vote to overturn the democratic election. Even hours after the attack, he personally objected to the election results and voted to overturn our democracy. Missouri's biggest newspaper said, "He should do Missourians and the rest of the country a big favor and resign now."

The petition cited by Hawley was covered by The Hill and the Associated Press and is part of our larger accountability campaign following the insurrection on Jan 6.

Our accountability campaign includes TV ads starring Jamie Raskin during Trump's impeachment trial, billboards in the home states of Hawley and Cruz, an upcoming TV ad about Cruz, and our #DrainTheTraitors campaign to stop corporate donations to the Republican traitors in Congress who voted to overturn our democratic election. Over 200,000 PCCC activists have also taken actions such as contacting Congress around impeachment and supporting Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to expel members of Congress who voted to overturn the election.

Sign the petition pushing Attorney General-designate Merrick Garland to investigate and prosecute Trump and his entire criminal network for corruption and law breaking.

And, donate to repost our billboard in Missouri.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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