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John -

Starting in 30 minutes:

Forces Build to Defend Trump,
Wall Street/London/RINOs Freak Out

Monday, February 22, 2021

Strategic Update, Susan Kokinda

7pm et - 6pm ct - 5pm mt - 4pm pt

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In tonight's weekly strategic update, LaRouchePAC will discuss two critical elements of our counter-attack:

*Widespread circulation of our petition, "Hands Off Donald Trump: Investigate the Real January 6 Conspirators."

*Our intervention into the raging battle, between the Trump forces and the London/Wall Street-run RINOs, within the Republican Party. The fight is not one of right versus left, as too many think. But rather, it is the challenge of turning the Republican Party into a "republican party," equipped with the ideas needed to defeat the real enemy—the modern British Empire. As Lyndon LaRouche insisted, at the heart of that struggle is the centuries-long economic fight between Empire and Republic. (In case you missed it on Saturday, Bob Ingraham delivered a master class on: "Imperial Banking vs. Sovereign Nations.")


Susan Kokinda

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