What is “Land Acknowledgment” and how is it a shallow, insulting example of virtue-signaling forced on kids who might not be old enough to understand?Selwyn Duke writes on it for The New American, and Tucker...

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Time Travel As Leftist Media Change Facts & History to Cover Democrats! - Wacky MOLE

By Eric Scheiner | Feb 19, 2021

In this weeks Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:As long as you’re promoting Democrats, the media sees nothing wrong with sloppy, fake news - or even fake history. The big three networks devoted reports to President Biden’s town hall...

Scarborough: Those Who Say a YEAR of BLM, Antifa Violence Was Worse Than Capitol Riots Are 'Idiots'

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Feb 22, 2021

One wonders if Joe Scarborough gets nosebleeds at the summit of Mount Arrogance. On Tuesday, February 16, he reached the pinnacle of puerile sanctimony as he sneered at an expensive camera to proclaim that the alleged...

House Dems Are Demanding Private Cable Companies Stop the Spread of 'Dangerous Misinformation'

By Brittany M. Hughes | Feb 22, 2021

Not only are Democrats openly attempting to manipulate the flow of information and control what you see, hear and believe - now, they're not even making an attempt to hide it. According to the New York...

Entire CA School Board That Was Caught Insulting Taxpaying Parents RESIGNS

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Feb 21, 2021

Remember those wonderful “public servants” on the Oakley California Union Elementary School District Board of Education who began mocking parents during a live board meeting, not realizing they were still broadcasting to the public who...


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