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Families in Transition

As one of our dedicated supporters, it's crucial you hear from us regarding a series of events in our community in recent days. On February 13, an individual was lost in a tragic event outside one of our facilities. It is with great relief that we acknowledge the resolution of the on-going search for the suspect involved in the fatal incident.

I know I am speaking on behalf of many of our participants and staff when I say that the conclusion of the search came with a sense of peace and reassurance. We can begin to heal. We can begin to move forward.

Searching for the silver lining in this horrific event, it is with great admiration that I share the strength of our team, the extraordinary contribution of our partners, and the community that remains in support of our work during the most challenging of times. The response to this event was nothing short of a miracle.

While the event shook us at our core, it has sharpened our resolve. It is essential that we not let this tragedy discourage the work of the Families in Transition staff in the community or let it overshadow the importance of our efforts each and every day.

Our team's commitment to the mission of preventing and breaking the cycle of homelessness is the lifeblood of our programs. We thank them, and we collectively pledge to continue this work unwaveringly.

Thank you to everyone who reached out with kind words and support during this time. It will take a community effort to overcome the challenges ahead, and I feel confident knowing that our community is behind us.


Maria Devlin
President & CEO




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