Our Latest Author Interview:
Fear is the Enemy of Civilization: An Interview with Max Borders

Are the good times about to end? 

It looks like we’ll get through a pandemic that, according to the CDC, has left nearly 500,000 Americans dead. Daily reports from brahmins and bureaucrats about the dangers of global warming, resource depletion, and rampant racism play on our fears and promote paranoia. Sometimes it seems as if these narratives are designed to stoke our anxiety.

Could it be that there is so much fear-mongering that the real problems get obscured?

Max Borders, author of After Collapse, thinks so. Due to our special relationship with Borders, we got to be the first to interview him about his provocative new book. Borders is challenging partisans in unexpected ways.

Indeed, Borders argues something rather counterintuitive: The things we do in response to our own fears are what we should be afraid of. Authorities have built whole human systems based on fear. According to Borders, these systems are fragile and likely to fail.

Join us in an interview with Max Borders as we talk about his new book, including what he sees as the coming collapse and how we will best reconstitute our social order when the dust settles.

The book is available now on Amazon.


"A brilliant and original vision of what could be, and why holding it matters even today." - Brian Robertson, Founder of Holacracy

Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]


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