Dear Supporter,
Companies that use gold in their products—from jewelers to automakers—are increasingly at risk of purchasing gold that is linked to violent conflict in East and Central Africa, with over $4 billion in gold flowing out of this region and into international markets annually.
Gold from conflict-affected countries, including Sudan, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic of Congo, is primarily smuggled to neighboring countries such as Uganda, Rwanda, and Cameroon, and then exported to Dubai. At the same time, a nascent trade in responsible, conflict-free artisanal gold is emerging from this region. But in order for this conflict-free trade to grow, it needs more support from industry, as well as significant policy engagement from the United States, European Union, and governments in the Great Lakes region to help change exploitative policies on artisanal mining.
In our latest gold briefing, The Sentry’s Sasha Lezhnev highlights five key policy issues, laying out how the status quo is incentivizing the conflict gold trade while disincentivizing the responsible artisanal trade and, importantly, what can be done to change this:
- Establish consequences for trading in conflict gold.
- Strengthen policies and enforcement in Dubai.
- Harmonize regional gold export taxes.
- Remove disincentives for artisanal miners.
- Source from conflict-free artisanal mines.
By taking action in these five areas, companies, governments, and financial institutions can work to create a more responsible gold trade.
Explore more of the findings and our full recommendations in the briefing "Conflict Gold to Responsible Gold: A Roadmap for Companies and Governments." And take action to urge the United States, European Union, and United Nations to sanction conflict gold smuggling networks.
Thank you for your support,
John Prendergast
Co-Founder of The Sentry
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