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Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Due to Study Design, Long-Term Immunity Cannot Be Confirmed for Fearful Americans Who Voluntarily Choose To Vaccinate

Bill Sardi

Petitioning Government or Courts Will Never Result in Gaining Freedom: Only Mass Disobedience Can Prevail

Gary D. Barnett

CIA Election Meddling

David Martin

The VMI Controversy

Jacob G. Hornberger

Washington’s Energetic Generals and the Emphasis on Preparation for Nuclear War

Brian Cloughley

It’s Time To Get Real About Freedom of Speech

Brendan O’Neill

The Rump State of America

Eric Peters

Nebulized Peroxide — A Simple Remedy for COVID-19

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Fantastical Energy

Clarice Feldman


Taki Theodoracopulos

The Covid Deception Serves an Undeclared Agenda

Paul Craig Roberts

The NY Times Recalls an Outbreak of PCR Lies

Jon Rappoport

LRC Blog

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