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RINO group seeks to halt the advance of pro-Trump candidates for 2022 midterm elections
The group is called Republican Main Street Partnership. They want to marginalize pro-Trump candidates for the 2022 midterm elections, in favor of useless Romney like Republican's who can't win. It's the Lincoln Project light. Stay away. Republican ...

Saturday Night Live Finds Antisemitic Blood Libels Funny
The Left is normalizing Jew-hatred at a alarming rate. The Government of Israel is ensuring that all of it's citizens are vaccinated. Regardless of religion. Israel has no control of how the COVID-19 vaccine is disturbed in areas that are ...

WOKE COKE: Racist Coca-Cola’s New Slogan “BE LESS WHITE”
Every white Coca-Cola employee, in fact every employee who opposes hate and racism)  should resign. Coke's racist polices echo the Nuremberg Laws – but for whites.

Attn: @CocaColaCo. It is not 'okay' to teach racial division and hatred. You ...

Muslim Cleric Condemns Ban on Female Genital Mutilation
We’re constantly told in the West that female genital mutilation (FGM) is a cultural practice that has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, but as is always the case with the leftist establishment narrative, reality is otherwise. The latest ...

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