Once married, our sexual relationship withered. Unaware that my then-husband was having sex with risky partners, my desire for him remained strong. For a while I continued to hold out hope that we could heal. Despite my keen interest, the frequency I’d enjoyed in my previous relationship disappeared. I was lucky if we were intimate once or twice a month.
I can’t find “queer” sex anywhere, yet the homophobes claim they are being choked by it. The language around sex is gendered and stereotypical and excludes millions of people.
We all like to joke about Regina George and her catty bullshit, but at our core, we know that mean girls are real and can cut deep. We knew them in third grade, as teens, and we know them today, as adults, because mean girls grow up to be mean women.
Confession #25765087 I still think about how the “mean girls” treated me in college. I’m 35.
#25768431 "My 10 year old daughter had a friend that now treats her like shit. I wish I could punch the little brat in the face. My poor daughter keeps wondering what she did wrong. Nothing dear. The little girl is just one of those mean girls."
#25761423 "A few of my female co-workers are freezing me out and I'm so relieved. They're mean girls and I didn't like being associated with them. I'm gonna call it a win."