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Black Women Hit Hardest by Biden-ployment Slump
Until the Black community abandons the Democrat plantation, the suffering will only intensify.

Black Women Hit Hardest by Biden-ployment Slump

By: John Carney, Breitbart, February 2021:

The first jobs report of the Biden administration ...

Governor Ron DeSantis Highlights Proposed Legislation to Strengthen Election Integrity and Transparency Measures
The most pressing issues for conservatives is social media censorship and election integrity. Governor Ron DeSantis is showing tremendous leadership in addressing both issues.

Today, I’m excited to announce new initiatives to ensure that ...

Stanford University researcher indicted for being a secret member of China’s military
Until America is made aware of the Democrats (the Left) treachery and treason, we will continue to fail at monstrous speed.

Stanford University researcher indicted for being a secret member of China's military

By: Sara Carter, Feb 20, 2021 ...

Fascistic Facebook Says It Will Fact Check Global Warming ‘Misinformation’
Climate Brownshirts imposing their 'truth'. Tilt at windmills or you will be destroyed alongside reason and logic.

Ayn Rand presciently explained in  her 1971 Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution: “And just as peace was ...

DEMOCRAT TYRANTS: NYC CLOSING Central Park ice rinks to kids to freeze out Trump Organization
NYC is dying and this is what the Democrats prioritize. The party of misery and punishing hate remove every good, happy things from our lives.

They've ruined an entire generation of children and still refuse to open schools. Record suicides, ...

YouTube BANS New President Trump Interview
If you don't see the parallels to nazism, communism, fascism, you are blind, deaf and dumb. You're already a slave.

They know the election was stolen. It's why they have to forbid its mention. Did you ever see the left-autocrats remove any 9/11 ...

‘From My Cold Dead Hands’
“This is happening while Biden and his henchmen are smearing their legitimate political opponents – supporters of President Trump – as 'extremists' and 'terrorists'”, she emphasises. “He is trying to use the fantasy of violent opposition ...

Trump works with billionaire backers to build conservative-friendly social media platform
Do it! “Former President Donald Trump has told friends he has hundreds of millions of dollars in backing for a new social media venture that would give him an online presence and protect conservatives from being shut down online.”

Social ...

John Kerry says Earth has 9 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis: “There’s no faking it on this one”
The greatest political fraud condemns cities, culture, industry, technology, the intellect, and advocates men’s return to “nature,” to the state of grunting subanimals digging the soil with their bare hands. (paraphrasing Ayn Rand).


Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Spot Wrote About How Jewish Lobby Controls American Politics
Another anti-Israel appointment from the Biden Administration. Zionist Organization of America recently stated that the Biden administration “has made the worst group of appointments to cabinet positions with respect to US-Israel relations ...

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