If you refuse to back down against Donald Trump and his hateful crusades against immigrants and our families, click here to fuel the work we do here at United We Dream Action >>

In the past couple weeks ALONE we’ve witnessed the following episodes of foolishness from Trump and his administration:

  • Trump tried to stop refugees from the Bahamas from coming into the country after a major hurricane swept through the islands.
  • Trump slashed the American refugee program by almost HALF -- capping it at 18,000 for the next 12 months.
  • Trump proposed immigrants start paying $1,000 to appeal their own deportations. Trump ended relief programs for immigrants with medical issues.
  • Acting ICE Director Ken Cuccinelli tried to rewrite the words etched on the Statue of Liberty to only apply to white people.
  • Trump and his administration announced a new policy that directs immigrants from the U.S. border to El Salvador, pushing migrants into a region currently experiencing dangerously high levels of violence.
  • The U.S. immigration courts’ backlog of pending cases surpassed 1 million cases, nearly doubling since Donald Trump took office. That’s more than one million community members that his administration is trying to deport.

We’ve set an ambitious goal of $50,000 raised before the end of this month because we want to send an incredible message of strength to the Trump administration.

Since announcing that goal, this team has stepped up in a big way. We’ve already raised nearly $17,000! That means if everyone who receives this email donates $15 or more, we should be able to cross the finish line on our goal by the deadline.

Do me a favor: if even one of those bullet points above pissed you off, make a donation to fuel our work today. It’s because of grassroots supporters just like you that we are able to mount a response every time Trump and his administration act up.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The best revenge is action. And the actions we are able to plan throughout the rest of the year depends on us meeting this goal.

You read that right: whether or not we hit this goal is going to be the difference between putting on a few events or many events. It’ll be the difference between organizers on the ground having the resources they need to advocate for their communities.

I’m not done fighting and I know you aren’t either. Please make a contribution of $10 or whatever you can afford to show just how much fight we have left in us.

Thanks for all you do,

Nestor at United We Dream Action

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